UPDATE: I have accepted the remaining applications. At the same time, I have also removed inactive beta testers. You may no longer have a beta tester role if you didn't log in to your beta tester account before 2024.
I've recently released a gameplay video on the V3 Beta of this mod, which you can watch below. I didn't actually know Baldi's Fun New School Ultimate easter eggs 🥚 had been added to the Grand Opening schoolhouse. And SeenWonderAlex, do they relate at all to the planned BFNSU and BBTUD crossover event happening at some point in the future? Because I also found text that said "Somewhere In 2024-2025".
That's what I thought. Well, I'm still looking forward to doing the collab event (and who knows maybe more afterwards) as well. A lot of new content is planned to come to BFNSU over the course of the beta updates, so I hope some of it will end up making an appearance in the event.
Wait a second i think i have the PC Version Of BBTUD Beta on Android its a accident for SWA Anyways Well It will be back sometimes so i am actually Not Stuck With it i'll keep the version
i found another weird bug When Baldi Slaps He Doesn't Move like an idiot i just wanna get that Fake Banned Joke Ending litrally baldi does nothing fr Except he still kills you
Baldi: bro shut up and escape i know what your trying to Do
Testers: i am gonna report this bug so Good bye lol Good luck on your patch! Haha
Weird part about floor 2 when You get to floor 2 It lags your game in low end devices This only Heppends in any version and the Math Machine Problem So When You Play the School And Get to the math machine it actually says M A T H and when you Answer the question it doesn't give you the notebooks it heppends in any version Can you Fixe them
I have an idea in johnny shop instead of coins We Used Points like BB+ Every item is alot more pricy So it makes it harder to get good and cool items! All points are same as BB+ so its gonna be not that hard to get Points Oh i meant to say YCTP Points
seenwonderalex fix that invalid username or password because everytime i make accounts they always say the password is incorrect even though is correct so fix it for me please.
Seenwonderalex please accept because i keep getting this incorrect message on every of my beta tester accounts when i try to login into them please let me access to the beta tester dashboard.
Let me phrase that, there is no OFFICIAL server. Not to be confused with the unofficial server below in the comments but I think the link has been deleted. I could send the new link if you like to join it but be aware it's unofficial.
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Man, it's 3AM rn and everytime I press start it jumpscares me and closes.
Guess you just can't play at 3AM :(
You can Change the time to 1AM
How to change the time to 3AM?
idk why but i'm cant go to shop i'm have account i'm want just enter the shop and the game won't let me go
same thing
Works fine with me. That's weird.
it actually doesn't work for me it just loads forever I might use the mod menu thingy
If possible, send me the logs.
Its called dev thing
I can’t login
добавьте карандашного мальчика в балди басикс ультра декомпиляция
I won't.
Erm *snort* Add Pencil Boy into bbtud🤓☝️
There is no iPhone available in this game
You can't get this on iphone it's not possible to get it on iphone.
Yup. You're right. Its Impossible.
You gotta clear out your sessions on the website but don't worry about that. I cleared it for you, so you should be able to login again.
how to clear the sessions??
On the BBTUD Community Website.
can i have the link i couldn't find it
can you add Dr. Reflex and his clinic and the new principal door
he's working on it
No way! A post of you when you're not sending fake screenshots to make people decompile BB+ for you?
guys how do i download the baldi basics tud i can't acess the website
why bbcr didn't have updates that look like bb+ 0.4 like bbcr 1.2.0 i hate it why just why???
UPDATE: I have accepted the remaining applications. At the same time, I have also removed inactive beta testers. You may no longer have a beta tester role if you didn't log in to your beta tester account before 2024.
You can reapply anytime at https://seenwalex.wixsite.com/site/beta-form/add-submission (Same with new beta testers).
rip themathgeniuses itch.io account :(
I don't even know this guy but Rip
this guy is a guy who created baldi sduf mods
Whos themathgeniuses?
the guy who created baldi mod
Oh thx
Rip him tho
Can cloudy copter,and the test go to the first floor?
I found a bug that arts and crafters is triggered but I was only at 4/7 notebooks.Can you please fix it?
That's not a bug.
i mean its kinda weird when i look at him he doesn't trigger anyway in the schoolhouse escape part
good and fun game but when i try playing multiplayer it said
Server connection had issues,and you had to be disconnected. We're sorry for the incovenience.
How do i fix this?
hey your name is familiar
What platform you're on?
windows 10
Huh i checked this guys profile And He Joined 5 Hours Ago Kinda weird But its ok
you better add dr reflex's hammer item to squish all the characters
Where can I get the beta tester version? Also will you add some of the features from 0.4?
he's working on it
Alright, re-uploaded the beta tester version for Android with the right one this time.
Its no longer yessir anymore its now sadness oh and also i didn't get da ending yet how did i get banned?
What do you mean? Try again.
how i use the pencil in the game? in the game it always get in my items
The pencil is for stable other characters but don't get caught using it by the principal ootherwise you will have detention
Will you add Dr. Reflex?
I'm working on it.
I've recently released a gameplay video on the V3 Beta of this mod, which you can watch below. I didn't actually know Baldi's Fun New School Ultimate easter eggs 🥚 had been added to the Grand Opening schoolhouse. And SeenWonderAlex, do they relate at all to the planned BFNSU and BBTUD crossover event happening at some point in the future? Because I also found text that said "Somewhere In 2024-2025".
That's what I thought. Well, I'm still looking forward to doing the collab event (and who knows maybe more afterwards) as well. A lot of new content is planned to come to BFNSU over the course of the beta updates, so I hope some of it will end up making an appearance in the event.
To everyone who got banned by the lock Baldi and answer all questions incorrectly secret :
logout from all your devices in the BBTUD website to fix it.
Why if you lock baldi and all questions incorrectly ban you?
Because it’s cheating.
Well that Ending Was planned for a joke lol
I actually commented this BC I saw your video
does it ban you fr?
Wait a second i think i have the PC Version Of BBTUD Beta on Android its a accident for SWA Anyways Well It will be back sometimes so i am actually Not Stuck With it i'll keep the version
wait the description should why did you do that? Beacuse it needs to be secret
will u add dr reflex in v2.3.2 orrrrr v2.4 orrrrr v3.0?
He said he is working on him
I really wanna be a tester but I can't be one :( but it's okay ig
i found another weird bug When Baldi Slaps He Doesn't Move like an idiot i just wanna get that Fake Banned Joke Ending litrally baldi does nothing fr Except he still kills you
Baldi: bro shut up and escape i know what your trying to Do
Testers: i am gonna report this bug so Good bye lol Good luck on your patch! Haha
Testers: haha idc lol
Baldi: Nooooooooo
Testers: Yesssssssss
This bug reminds me of baldi in a wheelchair!
I bet bbtud v3 is gonna be longer than the line in Saudi Arabia to complete
I mean your right But Beta Testers just Early Access If you already know that
Welcome To BBTUD In V6.9:) here some change logs:
1. Add some 69
2. Add a secret called 69
3. Add a character name 69
4. Add a new items 69
5. fixe some 69
6. AND MORE 69!!!!:)
Theres are the Changelogs Enjoy:)
At least you told me that I uploaded the wrong android version. Hang on, I'll fix it later.
i just got 6/5 notebooks lol
it's a fix by me during the early access new school house bug
and it's amazing.
How about 6/9:)
Sorry if I'm being annoying, but i have a few simple questions.
1 - Will Dr.Reflex be added?
2 - Will the glass getting shattered feature be added?
3 - Not a question but please don't do what Mystman12 recently did to the library.
4 - Will 5th Prize get re-added?
5 - Will Whirlpools and the mystery door crap and the NEW ruler breakage event get added (Where Baldi can't kill you)?
Sorry if it's too much. Btw, Hru?
1. I have not been confirmed that new characters like Dr. Reflex are allowed, however I am working on him.
2. I'll look into that.
4. Yes, see the secret in the new schoolhouse for beta testers.
5. Probably will. Already made it where baldi doesn't kill you anymore in the beta tester version.
I'm alright anyway.
Me so happy.
Weird part about floor 2 when You get to floor 2 It lags your game in low end devices This only Heppends in any version and the Math Machine Problem So When You Play the School And Get to the math machine it actually says M A T H and when you Answer the question it doesn't give you the notebooks it heppends in any version Can you Fixe them
Likely intentional if you can get the other notebooks without it.
I have an idea in johnny shop instead of coins We Used Points like BB+ Every item is alot more pricy So it makes it harder to get good and cool items! All points are same as BB+ so its gonna be not that hard to get Points Oh i meant to say YCTP Points
oh and also move baldi and johnny to the right Beacuse we cannot see him beacuse of that currency oh and also heres a joke for Baldi and johnny
Johnny: nobody can see us lol
Baldi: Fr
Testers: Boi You 2 though i was deaf huh now your gonna get the Deadly spanking Pencil here boi!!!!
Baldi: oh no💀💀💀
Johnny: uh oh💀💀💀💀
Lol, by the way, that depends on the screen size.
This mode is officially BB+ now. Since it's beta testing, here are the bugs I found
1 - Mrs.pomp can give you class work through walls now.
2 - when you use the grappling hook on floors 2 and 3, you just die.
3 - The game has gotten very laggy.
4 - The "GRAND OPENING" doesn't open. I don't know if that's intentional.
5 - I also don't know if this is intentional, but the dirty chalk eraser doesn't work.
6 - When you use the legendary apple, your game just breaks. (Android)
7 - When you get the 4th exit in birthday bash, the game malfunctions.
On the bright side, some things that were previously broken, (some soundtracks and beans), work perfectly fine now.
Other than these (And the intentional portal poster), it's working perfectly and it's basically a legal BB+. Great job!
Alright, but I believe I updated to V2.8.1 for some bug fixes. I might put the wrong file though for some platforms
FYI: Only the Grappling Hook and Nametag works for now.
i swear if i get banned like haroonplays i am pissed frfr i am gonna press that damn download button
seenwonderalex fix that invalid username or password because everytime i make accounts they always say the password is incorrect even though is correct so fix it for me please.
Are you try to enter your email?
my username but it keeps saying its incorrect.
oh nvm it just logged me back in.
how get cheat menu
PC: Tab, Mobile: Top left button
so i dont have to put some secret code or anything, that easy?
huh, cool
btw, can i suggest some new cheat options?
Why are you even asking for the cheat menu anyway? 💀
Seenwonderalex please accept because i keep getting this incorrect message on every of my beta tester accounts when i try to login into them please let me access to the beta tester dashboard.
Weird, I'll check that out later.
It's Finally out
Oh, in case if you wondering about a new beta tester version coming out
It's out
Oh really Let me check
Nvm its out Hehe:)
I was beta tester 😁
Go to this website
Btw why your name look familiar
Is there a discord server for this or no?
Let me phrase that, there is no OFFICIAL server. Not to be confused with the unofficial server below in the comments but I think the link has been deleted. I could send the new link if you like to join it but be aware it's unofficial.
Send me the link to the unofficial server