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I can't wait

(1 edit) (+2)

seenwonderalex, this is annoying on birthday, when you use the teleportation teleporter, I teleport In the same place again, it’s annoying!! will you fix it please?


That's your luck.




Don't worry, I just made it so that you can't teleport to the second floor in Birthday Bash.




swa can update beta tester version without using version names!


Is it possible to make all subjects only math?




although i have an idea make a code in the YCTP Where it turns every subject into math if you have enough time for that


I didn't expect the trailer for this V3 good job


I really can't wait for the game on the 29th


Such a great game lol

(1 edit) (+2)

add the matt and johnny shop inside of the school and add the door and when it's closed. you can only buy on matt school store during the collab and also somehow the johnny store closed when you are not connected and matt school store would be placed at the right of johnny's shop. 


Just no.


Not saying that I don't want to add it, but I don't really think I can add it in time since V3 would be the last update for stuff to be added.


ok and some new poster from bb+ is my suggestion?


He just said he doesn't have time. Also, I'm asusming you didn't ☆thoroughly☆ watch the trailer.


i watch the trailer and this poster was there!


Yess here we go V3!!!!

(1 edit) (+3)

Can you add seeds like baldi's basics plus, please?


You serious?


Amm, yes?


He said on the YouTube, adding those random generated schoolhouse is "ILLEGAL"!

- ok? Hope you understand.


Oh Maaaaaan

(1 edit) (+3)

Pay 10 dollars, download Baldi's Basics PLUS.

(1 edit) (+3)

no. bb+ paid and this is not a bb+ ripoff!




Sorry, eleven total.

(1 edit) (+3)

H o w

(1 edit) (+2)

I think he add Dr. Reflex Ending Cause I Saw Him On The Trailer With Those Baldloons.

- But, 11 Endings HOLY


Oops, I miscounted. Actually ten.


You're saying "I miscounted" as if ten endings is absolutely normal, but eleven is just over the limits.



(2 edits) (+6)

Hey y'all, I just wanted to let you know that around the morning of June 29th, V2.2 and V2.3.1 will be removed from this page. The Windows and Android versions will be in the archive, so don't worry about it being gone forever.

Also, I wanted to say. In case the trailer premiere doesn't come up near noon, chances are that I fell asleep. It would signify that it's delayed, but I'm going to make sure that'll never happen.

Anyway, I hope y'all are excited. It's been a year waiting for this moment.

(1 edit) (+3)

Hey, SWA Did you "only" add NULL Bossfight, And Did Not Add Red Baldloon Bossfight?

- please tell us, because in the trailer got me wondering why red baldloon didn't show up on the trailer...


bbcr use bb+ framework that's why bb+ is paid.


and this is NOT A BBCR RIPOFF.


I'm not talking about what you've just said...


Why would Baldloon get added? He's just a silent and re-textured NULL. There is no reason to add him.

(1 edit) (+2)

If he's gone like on BBCR, what does the bossfight look like now?

- so, the null style will be replaced



I don't have to follow BBCR.


Oh ok, then...




seenwonderalex at the time of the game’s release: 😴😴😴


I still gotta develop my secret project.


? (Ok)


Do you mean android and windows are staying for ever or they will be deleted


What? They're in the archive.

(1 edit) (+2)

could we make Ms pomp go to a random classroom


I don't think I got time to do that and screw everything up.

(1 edit) (+2)

I sometimes forget that Mrs.Pomp exists, fall down the emergency exit and lose some health, teleport to her class and instantaneously die. No need to make it worse than that.


Im happy for this


I like when they add more subtitles, because the first prize one wasn’t there, the null one less so, but those subtitles appear in the trailer, how good!


I realized that the bbtud beta testers link is not uploading errors, it’s good!

Why i can play multiplayer

its unsupported for now till V3 it was available before now its not


its over


i got a trick how about make the game and i need to download the obb welp its going to work for android 4.4.2 i think 

(sorry for bad english)


V3 realese in June 29 days, in detail, so It will take: 6 days, 8640 minutes, 518400 seconds. Are you really excited?




It appeared to me too!!


Nice this is gonna be lit!


dr reflex is watching you from the window lol


v3 update release date




(1 edit) (+1)

there is a bug where when beans shoots his bubble gum beans gets stuck in his bubble gum


Explain please.


I'm actually sorry I played again and beans spits his bubble gum i'm sorry for wasting your time


I think you just cloned beans because that happens to me too, because when the clone shoots his bubble gum and spits he just got stuck in his bubble gum.


I don’t understand


i have some extra things if you like to make it if like to add only math questions so every notebook you get well be only math it well be in the options (i think i said too late right (。◕‿◕。) ) 



(1 edit) (+1)

Hi B@LD /V


And im back


Just want to know


does a beta tester have more advantages than ordinary people?

Not really.


Teaser video coming out later today.


Oh, can't wait to see it.


Speed up the release of your game Version V.3.0. We need to play that game 😥


Didn't you read the V3.0 ANNOUNCEMENT?


I just read it thanks for reminding me


be patient its only around summer

Ok Well


If this v3.0 released imma head up to multiplayer first, if I saw anyone online there

(1 edit) (+3)

Heads up, multiplayer will be available in an hour after the update gets released.


Oh, ok I'mma play the multiplayer if it's available.


can you teach us how to play the game on linux

Sadly, I do not have a Linux.


can you teach us how to play the game on linu

(1 edit) (+1)

dont tell me this is the final version of this game and there well be no longer more versions

idk but its still a good game (。◕‿◕。) 

(1 edit) (+1)

I hope he still updates the game :(

- maybe not :)

Cont wait for 3.0


When will the game releases?


I'AM WAIT BALDI TUD V3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I can't wait for your game


can't wait for 3.0 dude


Fr me too




its the end





0F Mult iplayer



edit my character

Deleted 265 days ago

downloaded image of baldi dancing:v

(1 edit) (+1)

seenwonderalex, read this: do you remember the 24-hour free prize gate? there are some that change the time to the next day and have another gift gate, can you delete that?

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't really care.

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