So I've tried to get the hardest achievement (I Have it) which I know that you have to fail all 7 notebooks in grand opening without cheating and for some reason I never gotten this achievement even though I did it without cheating. Have I done it wrong? Does this have to do with the math machine because I've gotten rid of all the number balloons and used the correct answer since it's the only way to collect a notebook.
I've just beaten it 2 times and I still never get this achievement which felt like I've wasted so much attempt for nothing.
I'm not sure whether it's a bug or am I doing it wrong.
Anyways, thank you for reading it! I'll try again sometimes soon
Although I have a feeling the obtaining of this achievement is fake but we'll see
No if you put the numbers wrong on the math machine it doesn't work it totally wants the correct answer but, just as I said don't go the math machines.
- if you want a toturial how to do it say yes if you don't say no. But the video is 360p, and the video is not mine.
I realised that there was a hidden 7th classroom right at the dead end. You should’ve told me that there was a hidden classroom at the first place. Anyways I don’t need any tutorial now that I know what to do now. Thanks!
I saw a cheater on multiplayer called Vlad. I was baldi so when I catch him he gave me apples I catch him 7 times but he gave me apples so he is cheating. I guess he on the infinite items.
hey man. are you a friend of seek_chase. in discord? im his friend and he told me about ur game. and i'm here to tell you make a better game than baldi. baldi is a dead game lol. i recommend a 3d game. my rating for this game is 4/10.
Bug : when I'm playing grand opening hide and seek, when I'm the hider when baldi said "I'll go seek you go hide" he instantly teleported to the class room and can't even count because he's stuck going left and right through the door.
Great, code logic error from me uhh... Don't use the door lock if you are in a cooperative game since it'll keep bouncing packets leaving the door always locked.
hey swa we are waiting for floor 2 grand opening and here are some suggestion for the f3: library no longer a maze just like bb+ 0.4, also there are the vending machine from the old schoolhouse.
computer, library books, filling cabinets just like in the ending in faculty room.
whirpool only in f3 and bulletin board in security room.
the lock down doors must be added in f1, because there is test prodecsure event and "code red lockdown" event and there is a lever in security room to lift down/up security doors.
I'm going to redo secret ending in the new schoolhouse (Grand Opening) because I'm testing if it's actually the "hardest achievement" I keep attempting to beat it, it was actually hard when I got the 6th notebook suddenly I spammed "OK!" On YCTP like others do when getting a secret ending, I keep getting correct answer, which like I'm confused...
When I found out slowly, it appears like this... BRUH don't put this question here, like I'm doing a secret ending how am I supposed to get the secret ending because of that.
it was opened on beta tester and Matt wasn't selling anything and then now its closed and today we see its back and matt stole baldi's underwear and found BFNSU items and sell them lol
Help me. I want to play multiplayer and I registered but one day my account was disabled so I repeat it 5 times and this bug worked. In 2.3.1. 1. I want login but I forgot my username. 2. I want to register but this image showed up. 3. I don't understand how to do it.
i found a bug idk if that a bug but when dr reflex hit baldi with the hammer he still kill you but if you hit him with the hammer by yourself baldi cant kill you
Or just login to your account log out but before save the game on null style and then look for the save files and put it in a new folder and then delete it then install it again and then you have it with... MOD MENU
These items in Matt shop. How to get Matt shop : go to grand opening online and go to second floor. How to get these items: you can find in Matt shop in front desk.
← Return to mod
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Can you add baldloon style/Glitch Style
True I Want It Too But I Think SeenwonderAlex Will Say No Since I Asked Him Somthing And he Said "Cant Do Recomendations Sorry."
i said this is not bbcr/bb+ ripoff!
Yeah, NULL is kinda S U S...
blind kid there's a reply button
Can you put null mode as a option to play because i want to
There is! Go To Classic Then Click More.
witch one the 64 or 32 bc on pc
i got both
just got it thanks to red baldi
NULL style is tooo hard for me
WOWIE! You got the "BEGINNING OF SOMETHING" Achievement!
- Now Beat " I HAVE IT" Achievement, so you can win 10m coins.
but next week school
and i must many times practice
and i suck :rolf:
i finally beat it
WOW!!! WOWEE!! CONGRATS Haroon PLays!!
Please reply on what you just commented.
So I've tried to get the hardest achievement (I Have it) which I know that you have to fail all 7 notebooks in grand opening without cheating and for some reason I never gotten this achievement even though I did it without cheating. Have I done it wrong? Does this have to do with the math machine because I've gotten rid of all the number balloons and used the correct answer since it's the only way to collect a notebook.
I've just beaten it 2 times and I still never get this achievement which felt like I've wasted so much attempt for nothing.
I'm not sure whether it's a bug or am I doing it wrong.
Anyways, thank you for reading it! I'll try again sometimes soon
Although I have a feeling the obtaining of this achievement is fake but we'll see
To do that, don't go to floor 2 floor 1 has all the notebooks (YCTP) in there.
I knew I've done something wrong. Thanks for the tip!
I still didn't get the achievement. Do I even have to get the math machine wrong as well?
No if you put the numbers wrong on the math machine it doesn't work it totally wants the correct answer but, just as I said don't go the math machines.
- if you want a toturial how to do it say yes if you don't say no. But the video is 360p, and the video is not mine.
I realised that there was a hidden 7th classroom right at the dead end. You should’ve told me that there was a hidden classroom at the first place. Anyways I don’t need any tutorial now that I know what to do now. Thanks!
Yeah there was a dead end
I want the tutorial
now i need to know what am i doing wrong let me watch the vid
I saw a cheater on multiplayer called Vlad. I was baldi so when I catch him he gave me apples I catch him 7 times but he gave me apples so he is cheating. I guess he on the infinite items.
I'm baldi and I encountered him/her too
me too
Did the username had the ~ in the beginning?
I havent seen him
Btw my multiplayer name is neil
Does the username had the ~?
yes iirc
Thats not possible because there is no mod menu in multiplayer
I like this game!
there's a reply button idiot
Any more bug reports? V3.0.1 may be released tomorrow.
FYI: I said last MAJOR update.
That doesn't mean I won't release patches.
Bug : baldi Does not stop eating apples
Windows can still play crash sound, even the window is broken. And also some windows cannot break for a reason
Yeap, just like null breaking glass even though it's broken
Intended. That's just to let you know NULL is nearby.
hey man. are you a friend of seek_chase. in discord? im his friend and he told me about ur game. and i'm here to tell you make a better game than baldi. baldi is a dead game lol. i recommend a 3d game. my rating for this game is 4/10.
Bug : when I'm playing grand opening hide and seek, when I'm the hider when baldi said "I'll go seek you go hide" he instantly teleported to the class room and can't even count because he's stuck going left and right through the door.
I need your eyes!!!
this is cursed in my opinion
Do any of you mind a patch update? It may remove the clean V3 though.
Why is it that when Dr.Reflex is angry, it only shows one side?
I had to simplify things, since it's too much work to do it for all animations.
Ok I hope you can be more enthusiastic to make updates tomorrow 🙂
Great, code logic error from me uhh... Don't use the door lock if you are in a cooperative game since it'll keep bouncing packets leaving the door always locked.
Plus it may lag the game too depending on the amount of players.
Why were my 10 million coins removed? are they limited?
It could mean that they hadn't been synced to your account.
Ok, can you do the same achievement, even if you complete it?
I just gave those coins to you. Don't worry about it.
wait, why 20M?
Codes Are 31718, 53045009 & 1236 (¯\_(ツ)_/¯ᵐᵃʸᵇᵉ)
Try 666
Um Ok?
Someone gotta inspect the DLL to see what they find.
666 works in null style
what's the 666 code looks like
hey swa we are waiting for floor 2 grand opening and here are some suggestion for the f3: library no longer a maze just like bb+ 0.4, also there are the vending machine from the old schoolhouse.
computer, library books, filling cabinets just like in the ending in faculty room.
whirpool only in f3 and bulletin board in security room.
the lock down doors must be added in f1, because there is test prodecsure event and "code red lockdown" event and there is a lever in security room to lift down/up security doors.
that's all
Mechanics can't be added.
ok and so the lockdown event person slipped on a nana peel xd
I'm going to redo secret ending in the new schoolhouse (Grand Opening) because I'm testing if it's actually the "hardest achievement" I keep attempting to beat it, it was actually hard when I got the 6th notebook suddenly I spammed "OK!" On YCTP like others do when getting a secret ending, I keep getting correct answer, which like I'm confused...
When I found out slowly, it appears like this... BRUH don't put this question here, like I'm doing a secret ending how am I supposed to get the secret ending because of that.
It doesn't happen to me
You want me to increase the chances?
this question only happens in a RARE chance
I'll probably remove it.
Yes. WhAt kiNd oF qUeStioN iS tHiS?
Yeah you need to delete that
this question only happens in a 10% chance
Tbh I think it has to be the worst question ever if your trying to get a secret ending I'm not sure why SeenWonderAlex would add this as a rare chance
Where my beta test
Gone. xd
its not gone I still waiting and no test
bro ur blind there's a reply button
I was normally playing but I died and this showed up.

Placeface jumpscare
Can you add the null boss music into yt music because it will be 2024 most listenined music by me and everyone else
I already did- I think.
Are there still secret codes in your game?
Inspect the DLL.
give me the clue?
dnSPY (you need a pc)
Can someone tell me how tf did this open??

it was opened on beta tester and Matt wasn't selling anything and then now its closed and today we see its back and matt stole baldi's underwear and found BFNSU items and sell them lol
Loll 😂
How to get that?
begining of smh: fail 7 notebooks no cheat with i have it (the hardest achievement because 5th prize annoying, no dr reflex hammer)
Good job bro!
Same, now I can buy a hundreds of legendary apples :)
me too
the icon for begining of something looks like gd normal face but creepy
oh yeah fire in the BLOOODDDD.....
wtf u can get i have it achievement that's looks like a touhou lunatic mode player
Help me. I want to play multiplayer and I registered but one day my account was disabled so I repeat it 5 times and this bug worked. In 2.3.1. 1. I want login but I forgot my username. 2. I want to register but this image showed up. 3. I don't understand how to do it.
You don't need an account?
Hey seenwonderalex is 3am baldi's Basics the ultra decompile
I just created a new account but it also doesn't work it's says you can only have 5 accounts may not register another one.
You can play multiplayer without logging in
SeenWonderAlex Can you make the null sound faster it's very slow when I'm in null style When I was still collecting notebooks
Dude Why
I'm dead with these staminometer glitches.
mini guy
i smashed lockdown event person and he becomes mini inturder
I made a archive page for beta tester, Check it out.
i found a bug idk if that a bug but when dr reflex hit baldi with the hammer he still kill you but if you hit him with the hammer by yourself baldi cant kill you
You both squished? That's intentional.
why intentional sh#t
logic goes brrrrrr
Yes, When I did count the baldloons, I got lagged this mod
Null is so corrupted and glitched...
And Oh yeah, I played Grand Opening Hide and seek with Baldi... I guess..
And yeah, I like that mod. so i got lagged...
Bro there's a reply button
When I make the secret of null and I already did it, how do I get out of that secret?
Did you mean your stuck in null style?
Beat It or go to the settings click advanced settings and click reset data.
I better defeat it instead of restarting my data 💀
Or just login to your account log out but before save the game on null style and then look for the save files and put it in a new folder and then delete it then install it again and then you have it with... MOD MENU
its so accurate to bfnsu lol BBTUD X BFNSU when i tried these items they were the same except EFZB it has a accurate bfnsu sound lol
How did you get those items?
These items in Matt shop. How to get Matt shop : go to grand opening online and go to second floor. How to get these items: you can find in Matt shop in front desk.
also btw do not open your cheat menu because it will reset your BFNSU image to regular BBIEAL image of your first slot if the item
flying nana peels! if your in the elevator and use them they stuck in place but if you stand over or under them you still slip
P.S.: epic update
You're back!
yay u re back