right now i would take almost every suggestion but if its too hard i have to learn first!
read my READ!!! topic for discord server and game link and more infos
If you dont like my game just report the things in discord also in my profile you can see how long you get banned for something AND I DONT GIVE ADMIN TO RANDOM PEOPLES FOR ADKING FOR ADMIN YOU MAY GET BANNED UNTIL THE NEXT WEEKEND!
Can you make the V1.8.6 Beta pubic PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to see floor 3 and "The Test" SOOO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if you can't make it public then can you send me the link??????
hi seenwonderalex im going the beta tester link your owner im not beta tester and This download page is owned by another account on itch.io, you do not have access to it. If you think this is a mistake, please get in touch with
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Just a quick poll for developers.
Do you want to know how I made android work to a decompile?
See below.
Like this if yes.
Yes do althrough i am not developer but maybe later i will.
really? i will give u suggestions!!!
help me with my baldis basics roblox game!
right now i would take almost every suggestion but if its too hard i have to learn first!
read my READ!!! topic for discord server and game link and more infos
If you dont like my game just report the things in discord also in my profile you can see how long you get banned for something AND I DONT GIVE ADMIN TO RANDOM PEOPLES FOR ADKING FOR ADMIN YOU MAY GET BANNED UNTIL THE NEXT WEEKEND!
Greetings, Kani!
Suggestions for Version 1.8.7
New Item: Grappling Hook
Mode Suggestion: Birthday Bash Mode
Achievement: Getting Gummed by Beans
Very bad
That's enough Alex is getting tired of your b*******
Alright, that's enough.
New mode: math machine madness
New item: principal whistle
Achievement: get killed by baldi five times or more
Bug: when you let the fire go out in camping mode baldi's not chasing you
Bugfix: make baldi chase you when you let the fire go out
New character: Gotta reap from baldi's basics Plus
Feature: 4th floor
Hope the (the lag) from the android Version is fixed in V1.8.6
I'm trying
Oh no the beta testers are gone
Only applying is available.
O Hi, Where is the beta monday 14.00
Last one: https://seenwonderalex.itch.io/baldis-bbtud-pre-release-beta-testers/download/20...
Last One? so non beta tester 1.8.6 is done? because of that i feel like V2 is close to realasing
I made a Subreddit of this mod. https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldisBasicsTUD/
New 5th Prize design
I edited 1st Prize's image with pixlr
It looks cool. I may replace it.
pls old sprite better!!!
Shut up I like the new chaange too so it will change in the next update
Also why did u following me?
The old design is better than this cringe one
Can you send me the whole sprites of it please
Could need a redesign
Alex, please, optimize your game. Lags - very lot!
Optimizer feature planned.
but pls soon!
Hey there! Can i be a beta member? My discord is: clemont#7027
Please, update v1.9 Android,please!
Is also for Windows for 32 and 64 bits
3 people limit reached.
Where can I private message you?
rafael esteves#6340
Where can I private message you?
What is it?
Can i be beta tester, i will help u find bugs
Where can I private message you?
No go to: https://swateam-sites.wixsite.com/site/beta-tester/dashboard lol
Only beta tester can access this lol
how do i download v1.8.6 ? btw im a beta tester
my nick is sussy
Can you access here? https://swateam-sites.wixsite.com/site/beta-tester/dashboard
yup btw mine internet went down, thats because im late to send a respost
The first 3 people who comment will get it. I must know where I can private message you if you get it. Once that, I'll remove the message.
can you have v1.8.6 on web browser on unity webgl
If you have access to the beta tester project, you can.
Link is doesn't work!
Someone claimed it.
Another week, another key: https://seenwonderalex.itch.io/baldis-bbtud-pre-release-beta-testers/download/mz...
You can't claim links more than once lol
I play the bbtud beta verson android ;)
Tell me how plssssss
Hey SeenWonderAlex, can i be a tester?
I send some requests on my second account
On your site but no links no mail come in my mail is it a error or something not work?
So can you give link to beta v 1.8.6 ?
The link will be in November 1, 2021.
More than that
Had to block someone from the comments. Because he was putting keys to the comments even though they were already claimed.
It's below this comment.
yeah i thought it was illegal or something.
Hey i have a bbtud beta tester for android do you want
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I don’t HAVE an Android
I didn't even give the key to you. You just grabbed the key from someone else.
If you're not a beta tester and not given a key, here's something to claim https://seenwonderalex.itch.io/baldis-bbtud-pre-release-beta-testers/download/3C...
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It says I don’t have access to the page, can you give me access to the page so I can download it?
It's already claimed lol
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its not claimed
"don’t have access to the page" It means it's claimed.
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Ok, but how to I actually download the beta if I don’t have access to the page?
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Can you make the V1.8.6 Beta pubic PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to see floor 3 and "The Test" SOOO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if you can't make it public then can you send me the link??????
Great job who ever claimed this one. Just to let you know, whoever claimed this one, I have removed key access so you won't be receiving updates.
Where can I send you message privately
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Discord, my account is faransisj#5972
please help me i put quality 0 and it not work pls help pls pls pls!
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Can you send a link of V1.2 of this mod PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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1.2 of this mod, don’t you have like an archived version of 1.2???
I don't have it on my PC. But, it's on GameBanana server link. (Windows x64 only)
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Ok, Thanks!
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Also can you send me an archived version or beta of 1.6??? Or send me all the versions and betas of bbtud??? So I can see the history of this mod
If you're not a beta tester... https://seenwonderalex.itch.io/baldis-bbtud-pre-release-beta-testers/download/Ri...
hi seenwonderalex im going the beta tester link your owner im not beta tester and This download page is owned by another account on itch.io, you do not have access to it. If you think this is a mistake, please get in touch with
Someone already claimed it. I'll post another one next week.
and discord friend my name is Adamkornelhun2012
Is there a way that I can private message you?
yes my discord account name is Adamkornelhun2012
hi seenwonderalex its monday its now the bbtud beta tester available???
Next week
I got accepted, but I don't know where to find the key. Nor do I even have the beta tester role on the site.
I think we gave the role to the wrong account
oh ok, my website account name is "shoo". Can you try to give the role to the correct account?
I guess i am now a beta tester but where can I download 1.8.6
Do you have Gmail
Yeah but you better forget it bc it worked and i can play 1.8.6 now :)
do you have pc?
no android but it's laggy )# do you now how to get rid of them?
When this have a final version will you make a open sores so people could mod this mod?
What do you mean