Yeah, I removed some old versions from the list because it looked too long. I returned the versions because some people want to play the new schoolhouse that's opening in under 24 hours.
Reminder that if you playing on windows, make sure to download the DLL I posted in the comments below to have no bugs on the new schoolhouse coming up in V2.3 build. I'll be updating the school frequently overtime.
If you play the mod on Windows Mac or Linux, download this file: to Mod Folder > Baldi Basics Ultra Decompile_Data > Managed and replace the file to the one you downloaded. Letting you know this because I forgot to add a major code for "V3 Update" and it kinda messed everything up. Please do this if you want to play the mod with no issues. If you are on android, unfortunately you're going to deal with the issues for now until I figure out a fix for android.
And if anyone asks why downloading this, it's a thing that I'm testing for school updates without downloading the game. Not doing it all in one because it's going to take a while to do it. So yeah, you do not need to update the game for the new schoolhouse coming up because it'll take a while to be finished.
SeenWonderAlex, can you tell me, why need download this file and give to Mod Folder > Baldi Basics Ultra Decomile_Data > Managed and replace the file to the one downloaded. Is that from V2.3 or V2.2.9 from lasted?
Please let me know if you gonna Reply to me, i hope you reading this
Okey the Baldi's Basics The Ultra Decompile get unavailable right? But if the SeenWonderAlex know what gonna be next on update V3 or V2.3.1 what he like select Version, let me know in the Reply on that!
SeenWonderAlex, if you see my message on me. Let me know if you are here
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I’m curious how seenwonderalex started the new schoolhouse after the countdown ends
Some code complications.
Almost 2 Hours left this is going to be exciting
Its not working for me
oooooooo yeah glad to see its coming back
8hrs remaining
What will happen after 12hrs
i dont know dude..
New schoolhouse.
It's back?
Yes, but it's the version V2.3 again...
but you can play the V2.2.9 and V2.2 right now
This is going to be exciting 1st bfns+ may test build is releasing today then the new schoolhouse is coming tomorrow this is big day for me
in 15:28PM...
The downloads are back
Yeah, I removed some old versions from the list because it looked too long. I returned the versions because some people want to play the new schoolhouse that's opening in under 24 hours.
Cool it is nice to see the downloads coming back
Reminder that if you playing on windows, make sure to download the DLL I posted in the comments below to have no bugs on the new schoolhouse coming up in V2.3 build. I'll be updating the school frequently overtime.
When is it coming out
Tomorrow at 5 PM EST, 24 HOURS FROM NOW
thank you
No, i 7am i'm in europe...
I'm so happy the new schoolhouse coming in one day!!!
"7291" = 9% Complete
20% School
3% Objects
5% Other
"0000" = 5/31 5 PM EST - Early Access
V3 may not be finished but however you can get to see the new schoolhouse inside V2.3 build
My time zone would be 10PM for me
They also changed the background just like the page it's more likely a new schoolhouse
The FOREVER is just the word on the post
I'm too wating from update
Color is changed?
yes, it's getting normal again!
It seems like the cover for this is blue that must means V3 is nearby
Not exactly, something like that.
Look's like if the game getting back of normal that's mean....
IT'S GONNA BE NOT GIVE UP! The SeenWonderAlex can do this!
Come on SeenWonderAlex, You can do this!
yea, someone of you same from wrong say whoops lmao :skull:
for the v.3 update can you add while playing at 4:20 there will be some more memes is it good idea??!!
I could add new easter eggs sure give me ideas
Do i need Baldi's Basics Plus for this to work or do is it just broken?
It just shows some random dots and so corrupted what is this?
Not supposed to download this mod yet. That's why it's unavailable.
If you play the mod on Windows Mac or Linux, download this file: to Mod Folder > Baldi Basics Ultra Decompile_Data > Managed and replace the file to the one you downloaded. Letting you know this because I forgot to add a major code for "V3 Update" and it kinda messed everything up. Please do this if you want to play the mod with no issues. If you are on android, unfortunately you're going to deal with the issues for now until I figure out a fix for android.
so uh, is the eliverse event over now?
June 3rd on V2.3
rip the "June 3th" it's "June 3rd" idk what happened
And if anyone asks why downloading this, it's a thing that I'm testing for school updates without downloading the game. Not doing it all in one because it's going to take a while to do it. So yeah, you do not need to update the game for the new schoolhouse coming up because it'll take a while to be finished.
Does that mean the new schoolhouse will be inside V2.3 build?
SeenWonderAlex, can you tell me, why need download this file and give to Mod Folder > Baldi Basics Ultra Decomile_Data > Managed and replace the file to the one downloaded. Is that from V2.3 or V2.2.9 from lasted?
Please let me know if you gonna Reply to me, i hope you reading this
V2.3, it's because you'll get the update from V2.3 without updating.
oh ok, now i see SeenWonderAxel
How do you do it on android I tried
Hey everyone i see the v3 schoolhouse in the discord server
its the unofficial server
If you look closely on the back of the up-date news system board, a very small countdown can be seen.
Since it's so small, it's hard to make out what the text is displaying. So here's my guess of what numbers were being displayed at that moment.
wow nice i think its the count down for v3
You delete game?
no he not delete game, it's evil-verse baldi did it
he destroy the game
Well yeah
bro chill out v3 is still planned
Baldi is pink now (laughs)
Do you know who getting code 7291 first
It's me lol
That was a year old video already
imagine a school editor where you can edit the school and upload it to a server list jk it was a good idea though
Its a joke
Oh we can actually comment now which means the game will be alive
I'm excited for V3
Not fun
BBTUD Is dead for over 90 days
It's only been 13 days...
But its took so long so im can't play good baldi's basics decompile on android
Bro this is my new phone soo i dont have this app bro BRO SOMEONE HELPING ME BROOOOOO
Find the maxim games copy of it
Here's the link:
Too bad. (I'm late I know)
5% Complete
15% School
0% Objects
hmm, that's great but if the Complete gonna be 100% i guess and same from school and object
This shows the progression for v3 after typing this code “7291” it seems like we’re getting a new schoolhouse
why is there an event in this decompile
I just wanted to have one.
Did I?
Okey the Baldi's Basics The Ultra Decompile get unavailable right?
But if the SeenWonderAlex know what gonna be next on update V3 or V2.3.1 what he like select Version, let me know in the Reply on that!
SeenWonderAlex, if you see my message on me. Let me know if you are here
I have the video on Baldi's Basics The Ultra Decompile when i gonna upload video on youtube, you will ask me on that from next update version!
Thank you all for reading this message!The version next update is V2.3.1
The 12 june, is my party! befores the computer makes end of support is 1 more day in 21H2....
Nah its V3.
oh, so the next version gonna be V3?
I'm here.
Bbtud is gone so i have memory and golden times of playing this mod
the mod is gone forever NO MORE MY FAVOTIRE MOD!! :(
Chill V3 still coming out soon.
what date? look at the comments
are you trying to scam me?
are you trying to scam me?
no johnsterspacegames with older versions that work apart from v2.9.9 work
The glitches his username says "Deleted Post"