THE OFFICIAL V3.0 UPDATE! (5 Year Anniversary)
Welcome to the 5th anniversary of Baldi's Basics The Ultra Decompile! For the celebration, I have released the 3.0 Update. Yeah, I'm already two years late to this. I'm so sorry, but it's finally here.
This marks the complete mod of Baldi's Basics The Ultra Decompile. Here we go to the changelog.
The Grand Opening Schoolhouse
Since the destruction of the evilverse, the schoolhouse was rebuilt into a new map. It is now almost complete with a few touches needed to be fixed in the upcoming weeks.
As well, Endless, Random, Custom, and Hide & Seek are now available in this schoolhouse.
All 7 notebooks are available now in the new rooms. Keep in mind, that the second floor is still in construction, so content may increase in the upcoming weeks. There's a total of 4 different endings you can come across, and they're all the new ones.
- Because of this, Baldi's speed is now normal.
Sometime, today or tomorrow, I may unlock the secret elevator upstairs.
NULL Style
This mode is not unlocked right away. You must complete a secret in Birthday Bash to unlock it (was just added this update).
It's 50% accurate to BBCR since there's no obstacle blocking and some stuff, but at least you get the notebook collecting and boss fight.
Dr. Reflex
REFLEXES TIME? Yep, he's in the game. He does have slightly different features than the original, because of my coding knowledge but he's almost similar. He will not be in the Grand Opening schoolhouse, just the classic one.
Moving while jump-roping
I have implemented where you can now move a tiny bit in a jump rope game. You can also look back while jumping too, however, you'll need to change your controls in the control mapper (Jump is defaulted to the same as Look Back).
Johnny Store? Not what you think...
Looks like someone arrived at Baldi's Shop. IT'S JOHNNY! You can now buy goodies at his store when you stop by Baldi's Shop. He'll sell you different items each day. Keep in mind this requires an internet connection.
Window Breaking
In this update, windows can now be broken. When a window is broken, you and other characters can walk through it. This can be accomplished by 1st Prize running near a window, using Dr. Reflex's Hammer, or NULL running through.
Mystery Rooms
It may disappoint you that the last event will be Mystery Rooms, but I didn't want to implement Gravity Chaos. It's quite an annoying event for me. I hate it. It would be quite annoying to implement as well.
Still, there are now mystery rooms you can come across in-game. They can spawn with a random item that can help you win.
- Faculty Name-tag: Need to legally be in a faculty room, look no further to this item.
- Grappling Hook: It's controlled a little differently than the original, but at least it gets you where you need to go.
- Portal Poster: Teleport between rooms.
- Chalk-Eraser: Hide yourself with a bunch of clouds.
- 'Nana Peel: Drop a banana peel on the floor for characters to slip on! NOTE: It's unable to bounce off walls.
- Dr. Reflex's Hammer: Use his hammer to squish anyone in your way.
- Alarm Clock: Replaces the classic alarm clock. You can now set a time between 15 and 60 seconds and push it with BSODA or other forces.
I have updated the questions from the subjects to be easier. There's also a new subject called History.
The following adjustments were made as well:
- If you get one or two wrong before the impossible question, it will give you a possible question instead. FYI: Baldi's gaining speed is the same as you only failed the impossible question.
- For the first math notebook, there will not be divisions that have decimals.
- Baldi's gaining "temporary speed" is now the same as Classic.
After 3 years since multiplayer has been released, multiplayer is NO LONGER IN BETA! It's now fully released with the majority of the bugs fixed. KEEP READING FOR A SURPRISE BY THE WAY!
Play with other students
When hosting a private game, you can now change the player count to a maximum of 16 players. You can play with other players as students and only one as Baldi. Public games will remain a 2-player limit.
If your game has more than two players, you can now use the elevator to move to the second floor, even with your friends.
Random Events
Did you realize there were no random events in multiplayer? Well, now there is. All events (excluding real lockdown) can now occur between multiplayer games.
Cooperative Mode / Choose Who's Baldi
Highly requested feature. There's now an option to choose who's Baldi for private games. You can choose Random, AI, or a specific player. AI is pretty much cooperative mode where everyone has to defeat Baldi.
It is also available as a public option!
Join In-Progress
You can make people join your game while it's happening. You can make it where people join and spectate or join and help. It'll be defaulted to Disabled for security reasons. You can't get the private code while the game is running, so write it down if you're planning for people to join your lobby anytime.
By the way, this is turned on in all public cooperative games. I decided to do this since players leave often, so if the player leaves and betrays you, any new player can join and help.
Customizable Private Settings
All these multiplayer features can be customizable when hosting a private game. You can now also choose the amount of notebooks (2-9).
Changing Your Avatar
Some of you suggested that, so I added some models for that. Credits to emi_ for those. On the other hand, the glasses model is made by me.
Multiplayer Support
I have implemented a lot of things to multiplayer.
The following items are now supported in multiplayer. I mark the new ones in bold.
- Energy flavored Zesty Bar
- Swinging Door Lock
- Principal's Keys
- Quarter
- Safety Scissors
- Big Ol' Boots
- Teleportation Teleporter
- Pencil
- Faculty Nametag
- An Apple for Baldi
- Baldi Anti Hearing and Disorienting Tape
- Dirty Chalk Eraser
- Reflex Hammer
- Alarm Clock
Most characters did not have proper multiplayer support, so I implemented most of them. The following characters are properly supported in multiplayer. I mark the new ones in bold.
Supported Characters | Semi-Supported Characters (non-proper support) | Not Supported Characters |
Baldi Principal Playtime Arts & Crafters It's a Bully Beans Dr. Reflex | Mrs. Pomp (glitchy if you're another player) Gotta Sweep (works, but movement isn't smooth) Chalkles (only active in Competitive Games with <3 Players) | 1st Prize Chalkles Cloudy Copter The Test Guy (Lockdown Event Person) |
Changes/Bug Fixes
Here are some other changes that weren't mentioned above:
- Occlusion culling/Camera Distance now affects the Baldi Camera.
- Fixed an issue where the Door Indicator would not always appear.
- Smoothed NPCs movement.
- Added an ability to hide the code of your private game, including an ability to copy.
- Fixed an issue where Playtime wouldn't say anything to the other players.
Another Surprise
I've been aware some people don't want a BBTUD Community account, so I decided that multiplayer is NO LONGER RESTRICTED to registered members.
Additional Settings
Customize the Position of Mobile Controls
I have indeed changed the placement of the mobile controls to be more like classic. If you do not like these changes, you can change them wherever you like. It's located in the controls menu, which used to be the control instructions.
Music, Characters, and Sounds Separated
I'm late to this feature, but I finally added it. You can control the volume of music, characters, and sounds.
Hey, I know this was requested a lot. I have implemented it in the game. I hope y'all like it. It has a file that you can modify.
For Windows, Mac, Linux:
The Captions.ini file is stored in your data folder.
NOTE (For Mac OS & Linux): If the Captions.ini file doesn't appear, you'll need to play and load the schoolhouse where the file will be generated.
For Android:
To find this folder, you will need a third-party tool or computer due to new Android restrictions. It's stored on /Android/data/com.seenwonderalex.BaldsBasicsUltraDecompile/files
NOTE: If the Captions.ini file doesn't appear, you'll need to play and load the schoolhouse where the file will be generated.
BBCR / BBV1.4+ Shaders
Yep, if you're one of those people who wanted classic V1.4+ shaders, there you go. Just keep in mind that it could cause performance/texture issues.
Instantaneous Loading
Have you ever played one of those mods that take too long to load something? Although this mod has already fast loading, I implemented an option where it'll skip 99% of unnecessary gaps and load levels quicker. Great, now you saved yourself some time.
Well, lucky for you, there's another option that lets you skip the warning altogether.
Hide & Seek Minigame
After reading some feedback, I made a few adjustments to this mode:
- You can no longer go to the second floor if you're a hider.
- You can only hide in lockers for 20 seconds.
- Baldi can now hear doors.
- Minimap is disabled in this mode.
- All rounds now have a 3-minute time limit.
- Fixed an issue where dying as a seeker would result in winning the round.
This should make the game harder instead of having 100% accuracy in winning.
Save System Changes
I made a few changes to the save system. The following things will now be saved:
- Items you picked up.
- Exits you reached.
As well, you can now save in the following modes:
- Story / Birthday Bash
- Story / NULL Style
- Challenge / Grappling Challenge
- Endless Mode
And if you have any older save files, you can load old characters that were removed in future versions like 5th Prize in the Classic Schoolhouse.
All endings are now fresh, re-designed, and new. Go check them out!
WARNING: The following will now count as cheating. Therefore, this will result in locking certain endings. Here's an updated list of what counts as cheating.
- Using cheat menu.
- Not playing in normal mode (Choosing Random or Custom).
- Using collected items (only applies to endings, won't count as cheating for Endless Mode).
- Saving and loading.
In classic, there are a total of 7 endings including Challenge Mode and NULL Style. Since Grand Opening does not have NULL Style and another ending, it shortens to 5 endings. Therefore, there are 12 different endings you can come across.
Are you ready to flex your skills? All high scores have been reset to zero, so everyone can get a chance to flex their skills. There's now a global leaderboard that you could be on if you worked hard enough. This is a feature I brought back from years ago.
You must have a BBTUD Community Account to be on the leaderboard. However, you don't need to have a GameJolt linked.
HEADS UP! If you decide to create your BBTUD Community Account after you get big high scores, these will NOT be synced to the leaderboard therefore, you will not be put on the leaderboard with these scores. Please do not ask if you want those scores synced, unless there's video proof.
There are five leaderboards where you can be on.
- Endless Mode (Grand Opening)
- Endless Mode (Classic)
- Camping Mode
- Farming Mode (Mazes)
- Farming Mode (Barn)
When you achieve a high score, it will be automatically submitted to the global leaderboard where you possibly can see yourself on there. Cheated scores (see the Endings section on what counts as cheating) will not be submitted to the leaderboard. There are no beneficial awards that you can receive right now, but they can be in the future for a certain event. You can view the leaderboard in the game itself or here:
You can opt-out anytime by clicking on your profile picture and toggling "Submit High Scores". WARNING: If you receive high scores while opted out, these will not sync once opted back in, therefore you will not be put on the leaderboard. Do not ask if you want those scores synced, unless there's video proof.
Bug Fixes & Extras
And lastly, the bug fixes...
- Another secret code has been added to the Math YCTP. Only usable if it's Math and the second notebook.
- The same thing happens with the Questions subject with a different secret code. It only works if you have the second notebook.
- The Camping Mode's fog and lighting are like the demo now. This only applies if Game Optimization is disabled.
- Beans's gum direction is finally fixed! He will no longer shoot in random directions.
- 5th Prize is back with a completely new design & voice. Sorry, the old voice website I used is dead now, so I had to use another one. However, 5th Prize has different features from 1st Prize instead of being completely the same
- The Math Balloons will teleport back if it's detected to be out of the classroom. This should finally fix the issue where balloons randomly phase out and make it impossible to solve the problem.
- If you happen to be holding a balloon by accident, click it again and you'll no longer hold it.
- Fixed the remaining null errors.
- The game has been optimized a lot. Now hopefully, the existing crash issue in Android is gone.
- Occlusion culling has been modified. It now works properly as intended. It will remain a separate option since there are possibilities that areas won't render properly.
- Occlusion culling is now available in Birthday Bash! You will receive a lag once in the cafeteria since it will be disabled if near. I will not fix the rendering issues in the code area since I do not want to achieve bad performance.
- Dark walls have been refactored. They're no longer based on their metallic property (which the V1.4 Shaders don't support) and are now based on their color.
- Changing to V1.4 shaders during the game is now faster.
- The second floor's cameras will be enabled when the player enters the room or opens the door instead of the player on the second floor. This should improve performance if you're not watching the cameras.
- Added vending machines to the second floor (Classic Schoolhouse).
- Fixed an issue where players moving diagonally had a better speed.
- Fixed an issue where players get taller when colliding with a math balloon. This should be fixed in any other objects as well.
- Fixed the Hideable Locker where the player will try and phase through the locker when leaving. This also finally fixes the enter and leave animation for years.
- Fixed an issue where new players couldn't receive coins or get soft-locked in the shop. I decided to make the coin system like WebGL where it's saved on PlayerPrefs instead as a separate file, so this should fix the bug.
- Fixed an issue where Arts & Crafters wouldn't attack the player if he wasn't been looked at.
I decided to open an official discord server which you can join here:
A Message From Me
Alright, this is the last major update, from me at least. The decompile is complete now, and I lost my motivation with Baldi a few years ago. My project development is done, which means no more big updates. I'll still update for a little bit before I stop completely. I want to thank everyone for the support through the 5 years of development. Thank you, everyone, especially BlakeDude7, JohnsterSpaceProgram, Filename3, Shaiw, and others. It's been a rough 5 years, and I'm glad for everyone who stuck with this journey.
I'm also working on another project, but it's non-Baldi related. It'll be in GameJolt, and it's something I've been trying to develop for a long time. I'll give you a hint, profile picture.
Future Plans?
At the official 5th anniversary date (12/15/2024), I am releasing the source code for this game. Yep, since this is the last official/big update, I am going to share the assets and everything that's in the project. I feel this is a bad idea, so take responsibility for it and credit me for any assets you use. Also, just a joke, can you ask this guy what he did to my very old project? I gave it to him once and I never heard about it again. That's all.
Get Baldi's Basics The Ultra Decompile
Baldi's Basics The Ultra Decompile
A classic decompile that has more stuff than ever!
Status | Released |
Category | Game mod |
Author | SeenWonderAlex |
Genre | Adventure |
Tags | Baldi's Basics, Multiple Endings, Singleplayer |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Subtitles, Configurable controls |
More posts
- Source Code of BBTUD IS NOW OPEN!Dec 14, 2024
- Android Update!Oct 05, 2024
- Captions Fixed! [3.0.4]Aug 06, 2024
- SECOND PATCH IS HERE (3.0.3)Aug 05, 2024
- Patch 3.0.1Jul 06, 2024
- V3.0 AnnouncementJun 20, 2024
- Okay...Apr 17, 2024
- Full Update for V2.3Apr 30, 2023
- V2.2.9 - Partial Update for V2.3Apr 22, 2023
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what to do if you get null style but want baldi schoolhouse?
привет я установил baldi s basics the ultra decompile 3.0
Good for you!
this update so big
Wait, did I ban you from BBTUD Community? I did not mean to do that, I was confused by another person.
😎 cool 😎
i completed story mode without cheating
that's cool! thank you :-D